Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Sorry...can't sleep tonight :P

I need to ask you all something....Do Canadian's walk around with big flashing neon signs that say, "I Love Spoon Fed Propoganda...Please Sir, Can I Have Som'ore?" ?!?!?!

This is my favourite quote from our New billion dollar waster....
Commercials stating, "The Fighting Continues, So Freedom Can!"
WOW...REALLY?!?! I had no idea that us fighting the American's war over ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD would help continue the freedom we enjoy here in Canada. Or correct me if I'm wrong...but that statement can't possibly include the idea of freedom in Afghanistan.
They never had freedom....right? So How can this statement possibly mean that our Canadians continue to fight and Die to "CONTINUE" the freedom in WORD...and US fighting OVER THERE will not continue our fact it doesn't really affect our freedom at all.
I have all the respect and support for our troops fighting over there....I have to be honest in saying that I have NO IDEA what they do there day to day...and I EVEN HAVE A LOVED ONE FIGHTING there....isn't it sad...So many people seem to "KNOW" what goes on over there...and they all have such strong opinions about it...But Even I don't know what's really happening over there...and if you think you do because you watch the are sadly mistaken....Because apparently we all have a "sign".

(Sorry....that was a very heated rant :(...I'm tired and my family wont stop righting about the war...and I bet what I all said didn't even make sense lol...I'll post an spology tomorrow...)

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