Thursday, July 5, 2007


Ok ok ok....I can take a hint....or how about 20 BAZILLION! Holy Christopher and Jo! I know I haven't blogged for a while ( for example...3 months....OUCH!), but I'll get on it....

Of course my first blog in three months is only because Trevor has yet again left me alone...LOL! But this time it's only for 4 days...and I'm not worrying about him dying every second :D:D In fact....I am giggling....okay you caught me....I'm down right laughing my b*lls off....Tehehehe...and would you like to know why?! Trevor may have left ME alone....but he has to parade around in FULL ON MILITARY PROFESSIONAL MONKEY SUIT in 30C Weather! HA SUCKER! He's going to be sweating his hairy walnuts off!

*This is where I do my "I win You Sucker!" dance*

But I love him....and almost feel quilty for finding so much pleasure in his pain <3

Okay so on to my life for the past 3 months....well....I officially lost my family...only to find I have definitely gained a second one....and know I will never lose them....What amazing people...(Ode to Mr. & Mrs. N and Newly Mr. & Mrs. N ;) ) I'm on my way to trying to regain my family...I miss them greatly, but am still having major problems with them.....

By the way....this all kindof has to do with the fact that I am moved in with Trevor now...and we've been in the same place for about 3 months now :D:D And I have never been happier....I didn't think my life with Trevor could get much more blissful in the near future....and it together has allowed us to figure out some amazing stuff about each other...the main one being that we will go through anything and everything needed to keep our relationship going!

Enough sappy for now....I'm going to do a second blog....

Monday, April 16, 2007

In one word....

In one word..... Life

My life is back....

I can't even begin to explain to anyone...and I mean it....I have been unable to even explain it to Trevor; the feeling of having him back....

I can feel his body....hug him....grab him....squeeze him...kiss him...stare at him (not a picture, and contrary to popular belief while he was gone...NO A PICTURE IS NOT THE SAME! lol)

I can whisper in his ear how much I love him....

And as you all can see, it's literally been over a month since I've posted....well....This is going to be short and sweet because there are not enough words in the english language to describe the happiness I have felt and still feel to hug my soldier....I catch him off guard all the time, because I will just out of the blue wrap my arms around his shoulders and squeeze him towards me for a good 5 minutes....literally...without saying a word...those of you who KNOW me, understand the great amazement of me not talking for 5 mins straight LOL! I do this almost every day.....but maybe once every two weeks I will find some words to squeak out, and all I can muster is, "Thank you for coming home to me"

I'm not sure those 7 words mean anything to those of you reading this....or much to Trevor....but to me they hold the entire meaning and understanding of what it feels like to have him home.....He has given me a life back...


I can live my life....a life again....with no fear of breaking down uncontrollably during the most inappropriate times...He is my l;ife....and it's back...

Thank You for coming home to me <3

Sunday, March 4, 2007

By the way...

I don't think I explained fully in my last blog....



*does a humungo dance all around the room, jumping on the bed, pumping here arms, grabbing the dog dancing with him, screaming the letter 'E' at an octance no human can hear (poor dog) and dropping to her knees to pray to God for the miracles he preforms!*

I'm done (not really...but no one wants the EXPLICIT details of my friggin JOYFILLED days and nights for the next week!) G'night all...thanks for listening to my CRAP for 5 months :D

Love you baby....see you soon! <3

For Kate

Well all...this post is mostly for I was "yelled" at by her today at work for not updating this sucker enough....if you read one of my previous posts, "Posting for Sake of Posting", you will see how I predicted this matter....I started to realize this blogging was a way of me coping....coping with the stress of the deployment....but blogging doesn't seem to be necessary to me anymore (wellll.....not DAILY blogging anyway *wink*)....

Update! :

TREVOR HAS LEFT THAT COUNTRY FOR GOOD!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! He is now OFFICIALLY on his way home....mind you it's an 8 day "trip" "stop overs"....BUT AS OF TONIGHT ONLY 6....yes that's correct....SIX.... DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS UNTIL I PICK HIM UP IN MY SEXY SEXY NEW DRESS.......AND A HUGE HUG....I have been waiting for this hug for 5 months now....this hug is going to be THE most special hug I will ever remember....Oh I am SSSSOOOO LUCKY!!!

By the way....Trevor bought me an early Christmas present...but I can't blog what it is yet, cuz Trevor's brothers read my blog....and one of them isn't allowed to know until Christmas time...BUT I"M ALMOST AS EXCITED ABOUT IT AS I AM ABOUT TREVOR COMING HOME (not...but ALMOST :D)

Anywho...I'm going to post a tally of Trevor and My life together....ready?

Trevor and I have been "together" for :

In Months: 8

In Weeks: 35

In Days: 245

We have only been in the SAME COUNTRY/CITY as each other for :

In Months: 2 1/2

In Weeks: 11

In Days: 77

In Comparison or in Equations We have "been" together for :

In Months: 2 1/2 OF 8

In Weeks: 11 OF 35

In Days: 77 OF 245

By the way....the 2 1/2 months we were in the same Country/City...they weren't even consecutive....he was home for 1 1/2 months gone for 4 weeks then home for 3 weeks....then gone to the 'Ghan....

Plus we have 1 week left (or 6 days) SO THE GRAND TOTAL WILL BE my friends....

In Months: 2 1/2 OF 8 1/2

In Weeks: 11 OF 36

In Days: 77 of 251

So....that is my blog...Sorry my sexy Kate....I will have to blog about the *cough* um...."Christmas" Present LATER! :D:D:D I will post a pic too!!! And you will have to come over to see it!!! WOOT WOOT!!! or...SCOOT SCOOT!!! *teasing giggle*

Monday, February 26, 2007

Breakdown X 2

SO.....Trevor is now coming home on the 10th.....Therefore.....12 Days until HUGS AND KISSES AND LOVING AND CRYING AND MORE HUGS....

But......Because he is so close to coming home....I have officially become a FRIGGIN NUT CASE! My emotions are WORSE then when he left!! YIKES!!!

So....The last week or so I have been on the verge of tears about every hour at work....but I've managed to "breathe" through the phases....until today....What happens today you ask?

I drove out to my doctor's appointment around 12:30pm....FUCK PARKING.....grrr....anyway that's a whole different story.....but I drive back to work around 2ish....I stop at Timmies to pick up my LOVELY coworker an Iced cap :D.....and I roll down my window....FINALLY shut off my I finally her this sort of noise I put it into park.....nothing....then I put it back ino drive.....WHOCKWHOCKWHOCKWHOCK.....fuck....That's not a pretty noise....something "belt" like....but it get's even better....I decide to take it for a drive (with the music off) and I notice then everyonce and a while, when I turn corners, I hear an EVEN MORE SICKENING NOISE.....something along the lines OF BONES BREAKING....SON OF A BITCH! I think my ball bearings are going.....AGH! What's even better....I notice the hood of my car is now steaming...and I look down at my guages...and low and car is running PAST "WARNING YOUR CAR IS FUCKING HOT" I park it....walk into work...sit back down at the receptionist the automotives...get an AMA to pick me up and drive me there....then I look over at my boyfriend's picture....reach for the phone to call him to see if he'll pick me up...or just to cry to him....and OH HEY....That's right....I CAN"T.....okay.....this is breakdown number two....and my biggest no no ever.....NEVER EVER LET YOUR COWORKERS SEE YOU CRY,....ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE HAPPY SMILING FACE AT THE FRONT DESK....but damnit...I a little baby.....I just wish he were home...

I'm not sure any of you reading this will understand....if you do...YAY....if not...that's cool....but When you absolutely CANNOT pick up the phone to ask your guy to bail you out of a "car" situation....or even call just to'm just so sick of this...and it's SSSOOO close to being over....I'm ECSTATIC....but then something like this just HAS to happen 1 1/2 weeks prior to hi being home....son of a bitch...

What's even worse....I can't afford this now....most likely it's my rad....which is at least ball bearings....THOSE COST AN ARM AND A LEG....and hopfully I don't need to fix the core temp in my car....I love my's my life...I LOVE IT...But I can't afford all that....I'm going to school in the fall....ahh shoot.....what a day....what a day...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fuck...FUCK....and FUCK IT ALL SOM'MORE!!!!

Okay....Please bear with me....

Trevor signs onto msn at 2am this morning....and what does he tell me?! He'll most likely be coming home on the 10th....around 7am or is this so FUCKED THE FUCK UP?!?! some of you know...I teach swimming lessons....have for over 2 years...and LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE doing it :D Man I love those kids...anyway....The pool system is in HUGE FRICKIN DESPERATE need of more instructors....but they need more INSTRUCTOR they can train up more instructors....welll this "IT" course costs a couple not many people have the the pool I work at offered to pay my way if I took the 3 day course....I SAID HELL FUCKING YES! WOOT WOOT!

Get this shit......

The Friday the 9th through Sunday the FUCKING 11th! DAMNIT FUCKING SHIT HOLE FUCK FUCK DAMNIT HELL C(*&&....GAH! Ugh....I'm out of swear words....I'm just so pissed....THIS IS THE SECOND TIME it's happened where I'm out of the city when he comes home from somewhere...LET ALONE A FUCKING THIRD WORLD COUNTRY from 5 months away!

So.....he says...."well, I'll drive out to Spruce Grove and pick you up from your course"....well now 20+ civvies are gunna wonder why the fucking I'm screaming like a girly girl and crying my frickin brains out while I CLING my entire body to a 6'7" man!!

AND....I BOUGHT A BRAND-THE-FUCKING new dress for his home coming...and now he won't see it....he says, "Well, I'll take you out for dinner and you can show it to me!" BUT IT'S NOT THE SAME!!! OH BOO!!! FUCKEHIHOIUEFNHWFLIUHLIUGHWYDQFGUTYFGVCJQHVB GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!

So the poor man watched me BAWL my fucking eyes out webcam for like half an hour.... (at 2am in the he felt like shit...and i felt like shit for making him feel like shit)

So he calls me this morning before work....he had begged his crew commander to let him phone me....just to make sure I had a good day....and to not worry about his home-coming...

So I couldn't have a bad day....because hearing his voice makes everything okay....especially since I hadn't heard his voice for over a week and a half....

But FUCK....and yes I swore a FUCKING lot in this post...but I"M SO FUCKING MAD!!!....

:D Laters

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Uterus is how I would like to start : If I did not UTTERLY and ABSOLUTELY love children to death....I would MOST DEFINITELY have my uterus removed....

Yes I did say it....and no, I am not lying....*mutter*fucking bloating/cramps/bleeding/tampons/pads/tylenol/mood swings*mutter*

Against popular belief, NO I DON'T ENJOY BEING A MOOD SWINGING, BITCHY, PMSING woman :( It is not enjoyable...and no, I do not find pleasure in it. I feel TERRIBLE to see the reprecussions it develops on my beloved man....poor boy :(

But....I would like to post a most RE-OCCURING rant for me (this does not include my current boyfriend :D)....

I am not the type of girl to walk around bitching about my cramps and bloatingness when I'm enduring my monthly....So.....when I am asked by ANYONE....not just you men out I am doing today (during my monthly), I will answer with a straight face that I feel like shit because of my cramps....NO, I DO NOT SAY, "DAMNIT, THE INNER LINING OF MY V-REGION IS BEING TORN FROM IT'S WALLS AND IS POURING OUT OF ME!!" (Which by the way I would love to do one day...) no no....I Say, "I'm not feeling so hot, my cramps are pretty rough"....BUT THEN SHIT HITS THE FAN!

WHAT?!?! THE MINUTE I SAY THAT, EVERY man in the room gives me the fucking DEATH STARE and makes me feel inadequate! So this is the point I'm making...

No....I do not SCREAM BLOODY MURDER when my cramps take over and start kneading the inner lining of my uterus into rapid successive waves to remove it's bloody lining....and I don't tell people that that is what is happening....I simply tell them the truth....I hurt...and I don't feel so hot....BUT....for some EFFED up reason, women need to stay all HUSH HUSH on the DL about their NO ONE knows it exists!?!?! FOR FUCK SAKES....WE ALL KNOW WHAT IT IS....and that we have it! You wouldn't be alive today if it didn't exist...why the hell can't I say out loud that I am having bad cramps.....PLUS, I ONLY SAY IT WHEN I'M ASKED.....UGH!!!!! Please....give me my sanity and don't expect me to whisper about my fucking WELL KNOWN BIOLOGY problem! BLAH! And if so....don't ask me how I'm doing....There....that's it...

Don't ask me how I'm doing, if you don't want to know :)

(Love you baby....You've always been good about that :) <3)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


What do they all have in common, you ask?!?!


3am-Valentine's Day morning...Trevor signs onto msn...I'M FRANTICALLY RUN AROUND THROWING GEL INTO MY HAIR AND PUTTING MASCARA ON so he can see me on webcam :)....half an hour....he let's me go back to bed...Tell's me he'll call me after work to wish me a Happy Valentine's..


5ish am hits-Valentine's Day morning...Trevor signs into msn AGAIN! I'M FRANTICALLY RUNNING TO THE BATHROOM TO WET MY HAIR AND RE-GEL IT AND TO WIPE THE SLEEP OUT OF MY EYES so he can see me on webcam :)...he tells me he is just waiting out his time so the guy currently on the phone will get off SO HE CAN CALL ME!!!! WOOHOO!!! Half an hour later...:

BAM! He signs off Uber fast and randomly and 5 minutes later...SHAZAM! The phone rings!...

6am-Valentine's Day morning.....Trevor phones me...I pick it up and all I hear is...Hiya Beautiful....OH MY FRIGGIN HOLY LOVING LIFE....I LOVE THAT MAN!!!....


12:30pm-Valentine's Day Lunch switch board phone rings (NO surprise there...for some reason A GAZILLION idiots DON'T eat lunch apparently and spend their lunch hours phoning other business....grrr...hehehe)...BUT THIS TIME...It's my MOMMY! and what does she say?! FLOWERS FOR YOU!!! THEY CAME!!! (By the way...I was sitting on PINS AND NEEDLES all day waiting for that call, not only because I knew they were coming, but because as the receptionist on valentine's day, for a company of over 200 people, I had to sign for like 15 flower deliveries! NONE OF THEM MINE LOL!)
SO I SCREAM...when I finish screaming mom tells me it is a HUGE BOUQUET ONLY ONLY my favourite flowers!!! LILLIES!!! White and Pink!!! So now I am jittery in my desk all day waiting to go home to see them...I finally saw them at 6pm...

Ahhh.....6pm-Valentine's Day Night....A huge sigh of relief and devotion as I walk in the door and sitting on the counter are my flowers...I will never stop loving this

(P.S. I just HALF-FINISHED watching this movie called "Catch a Fire"....completely political and racial and such...THE FIRST movie I've walked out on because I couldn't handle it emotionally...I left my parent's there to finish it on their own....I WILL NEVER in my LIFE finish that is TOO real and TOO emtionally draining....OUCH what a fucking HELL HOLE of a world we live in! Fuck War)

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Love you sweetheart <3

Monday, February 12, 2007

Posting for....sake of posting?

Anywho....the point is...OMG I HAVEN'T POSTED IN 10 DAYS!!! Damnit, I might just be getting back into a normal life, where posting is now seeming unnecessary...Yes that's right faithful readers.....Even posting about those DAMN F*CKING BINGO CARDS WITH THE SAME COLOURED FREE SPACES seems unnecessary...Why may some of you ask....well others, other who know me well...know this :


THREE WEEKS MY FRIENDS!!! He's been gone for 18!!!!! Does that put it into perspective?!?! HOLY FRICKIN MOTHER OF PEARL!!! THREE....3....TROIS....DRE....3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

IT's TTTHHHHRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE WEEKS!!! WOOT WOOT!!! Oh by the by...I'm also uber excited because Trevor ordered flowers for me to come in on Valentine's day!! WOOT WOOT! 2 more days till my second set of flowers from the 'Ghan!

OH NEW POINT.....Trevor is OFFICIALLY out of THAT country in around 17 days!!! HOLY CAMOLY!!! YES!!! NO MORE WORRYING IF HE'S DEAD IN A DITCH! And he'll be shooping for my engagement ring during his decompression! YES! *double arm pumps* (I think I'll convince him to look for a princess cut solitaire with pink sapphire baquettes! PRETTY!)

Like this one ------------>
Home soon Baby! Love you very much!

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Okay....let me start with this again : This is a rumour....BUT IT IS SO GOOD I AM GOING TO BELIEVE IT JUST FOR THE SAKE OF HAPPINESS!!!

* goes!....

Rumour is....Trevor comes home on the 6TH OF MARCH NOW...NOT THE 10TH OF MARCH!!!

Omg...I never knew the day would come when 4 days less would seem like HEAVEN!!! BECAUSE DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!! That means it's not 4 WEEKS and 5 Days until he is is 4 Weeks and 1 DAY!!! That makes a huge difference!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE it's ONLY 4 WEEKS!!! That seems like nothing compared to the last 17 Weeks he's been gone!!!

Okay....breathe....LESS THAN 1 MONTH UNTIL HE IS OUT OF THAT COUNTRY!!! And only 5 days after that until he steps on Canadian ground again!!!

WOOPPPIIIEEE!!!! (BTW he's been gone for 3 Months 3 Weeks and 3 Days!)


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Woah...this is a long one!

YES! I HAVE A COMPUTER AGAIN! the long and short of it...When I quit my job they had to take the laptop back, AAAAAHHHHHHHHH MY LIFE CRASHED DOWN AROUND ME! NO MORE CONTACT WITH TREVOR 24/7, for just in cases lol! BUT, I figured I could just sleep in "Trevor's Room" beside our home computer and do it that way. BUT...I come home the day I quit to set up the home computer with all of my stuff...AND BAM! I RUN INTO HELLISH PROBLEMS!

Background: This home computer hasn't been turned on for like 8/9 months or more! My mom just uses her lap top and I always just used mine. Therefore, when I turn it on, it was like Pandora's Box! Okay sorry...long story short...The IP address was running at a and I asked Trevor's big bro about that and he told me that meant our computer wasn't pulling our IP address properly...I unplug the modem...restart the comp...plug the modem back in...then unplugged the router...then plugged it back in...(In between all that I had to disconnect our anti-virus and firewall protector)....this worked....until I had to restart the comp...and the damn internet wouldn't connect AGAIN! I figured out it was our SHITTY anti-virus/firewall provider...our firewalls were conflicting and we didn't have the proper updates! Soooo....I had to remove the one we had...find our login name and the NEW software...then UPDATE OVER 40 UPDATES ON THE COMPUTER! GAH! TALK ABOUT THE STONE AGE! YIKES! No wonder the computer wasn't working properly! Anywho....over 4 hours later...TADA! I can now fall asleep beside a working, running computer all night AGAIN :D For the "just-incase-Trevor-signs-ons"!!!


Oh and by accident Trevor let slip that he had flowers ordered for arrive on VALENTINE'S DAY!! <3>

OH OH...and Trevor was talking to me on the phone yesterday about the type of ring he is going to get for me in went like this...

Background info : My dad asked Trevor to bring an Afghani rock home (Yup...I don't get it either), but dad said he just wants a piece of the terrain...he's apparently interested...what a cute papa! Anywho...When I was on the phone with Trevor, dad asked me to ask him if he got the rock...I tell dad that Trevor says yes...and Dad says, "Good...tell him if he comes home without the rock he can't marry my daughter!" so I say this to Trevor and you know what he says..."Does he mean the rock...or the diamond?!" ROFL! YES *double arm pumps* I GET A DIAMOND WOOT WOOT!!! Anywho...we were talking about how I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE *PUKE* *PUKE* *PUKE* MASSIVE solitaire the ones on the really skinny girls that look like it's going to drag her knuckles to the ground and force her to drag them like an ape! and the ones that are so big they twist on the finger and end up on the palm side anyway! So my point was, that I like unique fancy rings with coloured stones (mostly the saphire or rubies) with a smaller diamond in the middle. He wrote it all down and is looking for one in Cypress!!! OH BE STILL MY HEART! And he is STILL planning on purchasing a suit there!! YAY! ONLY 5 WEEKS AS OF TODAY UNTIL TREVOR LANDS IN EDMONTON!!!

Love ya Trevor!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007



I have not been this happy since before I first learn't about Trevor going to Wainwright in August....then Afghanistan in October...


Yes the screen was HORRIBLY dirty and I could barely see ANYTHING....but I could tell it was him!!! HIS HAIR IS SSSOOO LONG!!! He hasn't cut it for over 2 months!!! And he has this stupid round comb thing that he sticks in his hair....they all call him the "White Man Fro" HAHAHAHA!!!! But on the screen....he was SO tanned and SO dirty, he looked like a black didn't help matters that the only way I could really determine where he was on the screen was when he SMILED! BECAUSE HIS TEETH WERE SO WHITE in comparison!!! ROFLMAO!!!

We spent the first time he signed on STARING at each other for the FULL half an hour...not a word of a lie...we made a pact to just stare at each other....Then he came on again tonight...around 4:30pm...which is 4:00AM HIS TIME!!! That was when his patrolling shift was he stayed up to talk with me again!!! This time we did a little bit more than just stare....BUT WOW!!! I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM IN OVER 2 MONTHS!!! I haven't been in his presence for:

3 Months 2 Weeks and 5 Days (111 Days)


5 Weeks and 3 Days (38 Days)!!!!!


(P.S I convinced my boss to let my last day of work be tomorrow now. HA! ALL DONE AS OF TOMORROW...BOOYAH!!!!)

Monday, January 29, 2007


Okay....So WWWOOOTTTT!!!!! *happy happy dance*
*little cirlce dances with pumping arm movements!!!*

I know this is hopefully and completely trusting and optomistic, but last time I talked to Trevor he said the military is giving him FIFTY-SIX DAYS OFF OF WORK....That's 56 PEOPLE!!!

THE BEST OF IT ... They only count as WORK days....this does NOT include weekends!!!!!!! That means...If I figure in the fact that he is coming home on a Saturday...he will have the next weke to go to work to de-brief....THEN if I count to 56 WORKING days....he wont have to go back to work until the 4th of JUNE!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! *girly scream*!!!!!

YIPPEEE!!!!!!! How incredible!!!! (P.S. those of you who follow my life understand already that I should NOT be trusting this news right now....BUT WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO!!! I mean common! I've been through enough...I think this sort of news is THE BEST thing for me to CLING to!!!)

Only 12ish more hours until we are UNDER 40 days till his homecoming!!!


5 Days ... 40 Days

Okay...Have you ever been SO bored at work that you start cutting your arm hair with scissors just to pass time?!

HAHAHAHA....Oh, even when I read what I wrote up there I question my sanity....Anyway....I have been sitting here for the last half an hour cutting my blond, short arm hair with tiny scissors...Why?! Because my last day of work with this company is this coming Friday...and my job entails LEARNING more about my software...and teaching it and helping people with it when they call to ask questions....well the phone is silent...They wont schedule me to teach this last week because ther eis no point...and Why learn more when I am leaving....PLUS OMG GET THIS :

My sister and I don't get our profit sharing bonus on our final pay cheques....EVEN THOUGH....ok this is the kicker....The profit sharing is based on the last quarter, which were months Nov., Dec. and Jan.
Hmmm....did we work those months?....Yes....Did we make profit for the company?....HELL YES....And why don't we get the money for it? Because we are leaving 13 days before it get's PAID OUT!!! NOT EVEN 13 Days before the profit sharing quarter ended...NOPE....WE WORKED THE WHOLE THING!!! ALL THE DAYS....we are only leaving before it get's PAID OUT! OMG!!! WHAT THE HECK! So of course I'm going to sit here and cut my arm hair with scissors...Why would I bust my ass for this....The worst part is I loved my boss....she was great! but my sister NEEDs that money! She was promised so much and received NO profit sharing since she's been here...and I need that monay! I need school money! boy oh boy...I have never been so poor sister....BLAGH!

Anyway....only 5 days until this is over and done with....and only 40 days until Trevor comes home; It sounds better in days then in weeks....6 weeks left...:(

Anywho...Trevor is looking for a ring and a SUIT in Cyprus when they decompress....What a wonderful have to understand....he DOESN'T wear fancy's jeans (or shorts) and a free swim t-shirt from his sponsors! hehehehe....and for some reason he is buying a suit...I asked him if it is for his brother's wedding this May...and he says, Oh I guess I could use it for that too....WHAT?!?!?! He's got something up his sleeve...but I don't know what it is! He just DOESN'T wear fancy clothes! Why is he buying a suit if it isn't directly for his brother's wedding!!??? What a goof! I Love that goof with all my heart....Can't wait until he's home...*sigh*

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I say..."NO!"

Okay....this post will most likely seem completely TERRIBLE to most of you...but you have to understand my phobia...a real, true must understand it to really feel this post...Here goes:

"Blood, It's in you to give."

Really?!? Is It? I could have sworn I NEEDED IT TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay...I completely understand the need for blood to give to strangers who's lives are hanging on a limb, closer to dying every second because they need a blood transfusion....that's understandable and all if they need blood....because, yes....THEY NEED IT TO LIVE!!! Now, if someone who received a blood transfusion then woke up in their hospital bed after the procedure and turned the T.V. on to a commercial that was all sappy and made him/her want to cry because he/she feels so blessed to receive blood, but then BAM the end of the commercial hits him/her...."Blood, It's in you to give."


(Okay....I apologize for the rant....BUT DAMNIT, If I weren't so scared of needles I wouldn't be so turned off by that slogan!....maybe come up with something a little "Blood 4 Life - Giving it to Live through it"...why's catchy!")

Yay for donating blood!! Just not me...not until I get over my phobia...which I'm hoping to do soon so I can donate 100 times to finish my dad's goal, because he got stopped at 88 because of his mini heart attack....Go dad!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007


Okay...I don't know who else has ran into this problem...but I NEED TO VENT!

You know those bingo cards...AND THE FREE SPACES??!?!?

(I LOVE the free spaces *Happy Dance*)

WELL WHAT BRILLIANT IDIOT decided to make those Free Spaces...the ones when you scratch them and underneath the scratchy stuff the paper is like the SAME COLOUR AS THE SCRATCHY STUFF!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! WAY TO TAKE AWAY MY FUN!!

I don't know about you....but I JOY in seeing the BRIGHT whitish paper underneath the COLOURFUL scratchy stuff!! I makes me feel adequate and that i did not waste my time to "scratch" away the scratchy stuff...ESPECIALLY the free space!!! I LOVE THE FREE SPACES!!!

That's my vent...I feel better already :D

A Piece of Advice...(Or an Excuse)...

SO....I have either a piece of advice or an excuse for all you out their...which ever way you look at it!

Here Goes:

DO NOT any ALL of your laundry at once...To the amatuer laundry lover this may seem kean...BUT don't fall into its lurring trap!! You will come to find...You will NOT have enough hangers in the house to hang all those freshly...WONDERFULLY SMELLING clothes!!! AAAHHHHH!!!! Do you know what that means my friends?!?!?! I means you are forced to now "Purge The Closet" GAH!

(And for all of you out there who are like me...You like to do laundry...and you are slightly Obsessive compulsive..."Purging The Closet" turns into "Purging the Dresser Drawers", "Purging The Dried out Pens", "Purging the Paperwork", and then the "purging" is followed with "dusting X" and you can only imagine what "dusting X" is followed with....YIKES!)

Anywho....if you are completely opposite of me...this can be a good excuse for you to let the laundry pile up...Just DON'T BE TEMPTED!!!

Those are my words of wisdom...Good night faithful readers...Until next time...

Saturday, January 20, 2007


SO!!!....We fought...hard core...I was dieing inside knowing he was most likely...(knowing him inside and out)...that he was kicking himself, blaming himself, not sleeping and mulling everything over, probably thinking I was dumping him. I didn't hear from him for two days...and I found out by chance that the ONLY DAMN PHONE at the FOBS (they're ALL SHARING...omg cheap military asses!)...IS BROKEN!! SO I thought he was just mad or something...or avoiding me...but in his e-mail he said he was thinking about everything...said I have taken a lot of shit from him since he's been gone...that if he were in my place he would have left him a long time ago! and that he can't even start to explain how much and why he loves me...he just really really does....HE LOVES ME...OMG...HE LOVES ME...I mean....I knew he loved me...we talk about our wedding plans all the time...BUT HE'S COMING HOME TO ME...AND SOON....ONLY 1 MONTH 1 WEEK and 5 DAYS!!!
OMG...I am more relieved than I can explain to anyone!! I CRIED ALMOST AS MUCH AS WHEN HE SIGND OFF LINE AFTER OUR FIGHT@!!!. I forgot to say in the last post...The flowers Trevor sent me came only ONE HALF HOUR after he signed offline...and when I opened the door I actually just stared at the delivery man...then sat down on the tiles at the front door and cried like I've never cried before...the POOR POOR delivery man!!! he put the flowers down on the ground...said Stay strong...and closed the door...oy!! Please let this last bit go by fast!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

SO I know I can't be mad anymore...but BLAH!!

So....Trevor and I got into a fight today on the phone...after not hearing his voice for 2 1/2 then he logs onto msn where we fight more...and then he signs on later in the afternoon and we fight more. Then not even half an hour after our last fight....the doorbell rings and these show up...With a card that reads...

I Love You : Love from Afghanistan

I'm not getting into details....But wow....he knew about my love of pure white lillies....and the red roses with them are such an INCREDIBLY STUNNING contrast...Ive never had more beautiful flowers (P.S. these are the first flowers he's ever gotten me...we've been together for 6 1/2 months)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Big Arms & Tattoos

Ah...Such are the MASSIVE *Pun INtended* perks of having a military man. is true, the military men actually DO do all those push-ups you see in the movies. And that makes for boyfriends/finacees with REALLY big yummy squishy strong manly arms....mmmmm (This post is a tribute to Navan's blog :D)

And my man made his incredibly GORGEOUS bulging arms even more breath-taking, by having a tribal tattoo created all the way down the back of his left arm!! And he is having it mirrored on his right arm when he gets home for the Sandbox. Here it is ladies....MMMMM :

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Something to Consider...

I'm not ready to blog about my retarded surgery day Here's something for you to consider :

I don't like the idea that people can call you in your car. I think there's news you shouldn't get at 100 km per hour. "Pregnant? f*(@$*!!"

But if we're gonna have car phones I think we should have car answering machines...."Tom's at home right now. But as soon as he goes out, he'll get back to you."

Friday, January 12, 2007

OUCH ... and YAY!

OUCH....The surgery is done...It hurts WWWAAYYY more than I thought....but THEY'RE GONE!!! FOREVER!!! I will post more when I am not hopped up on drugs :D Oh wonderful drugs...

Lots happened today....I missed Trevor's call...things happened in reprecussion to that....lots pre-op....lots post-op....I will explain another time :D

Later oh Faithful Readers....Time for me to pass-out into never never land!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

3 Months...And Recovery

So....Where has the time gone....AND...Why has time gone so slow?!

yes I know those are two completely opposite sentences...and no, I'm not slow...That is how I feel...As of tomorrow morning, Trevor has been gone to the Sandbox for 3 MONTHS!!

Holy SH*T....Pardon my French....but I can't believe I've made it this far without sleeping the whole time!!! And I think....where has the time gone?!!?! but then I think back on all the "bad days" I had...and realized...It's been horrifyingly slow...BLAH!!

Only 1 Month 3 Weeks and 3 Days left...*shoot me*

And tomorrow...Is My TONSILLECTOMY....WOOHOOO NO MORE SICKY SICKY ME!!! Only 16 MORE HOURS UNTIL BYEBYE TONSILS!!! I can't eat or drink anything tonight until my surgery...and I will be eating ICE CREAM UNTIL THE END OF NEXT WEEK....WOOHOO!!!! No Pain, No Gain!! BRING IT ON!! ice cream makes it all better!!!

P.S. I haven't heard Trevor's voice in over a week and a half...I am starting to be sick *puke*

SO Sore...Ouch (And Ironic Much?! CRAP)

So....Last night was the first Water Polo practice of the season...and man...I now know the consequences of not playing it for about 8 months!!

I kicked some major Ass...but boy am I paying for it! My pecks are going to friggin explode!! IT even hurts to TYPE!!! My legs are fine...I've been keeping them in shape by running on the treadmill...And I wasn't tired from the practice last night...I am just UBER UBER sore!! I am so looking forward to getting my triceps and pecks and back toned up again!! WOOHOO!!

AND....IT'S WATERPOLO....I MISSED IT SO BAD!!! OH I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS SPORT...and missed it terribly...AND it felt SO good to go an ENTIRE night not thinking avout Trevor...WOW!

BUT....Guess what....I can't get away THAT scott free...for some reason I'm not allowed to have a "Trevor thoughts" free night...Guess what my Coach's name is?!?! guessed it...Trevor....SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!
Now I hear his name being yelled from in front of me....behind me...beside the water...out of the water...CRAP! And when my cousins (who play too) talk about WATER POLO the rest of the night at coffee...All I hear is the name Trevor....blah! Shoot me!

Too bad I get my tonsils out tomorrow....I will be missing THREE practices because of it :( BOO!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Challenge

Okay...I never thought I'd see the day when I hate to shave my legs...I'll admit...I'm the type of girl who loves to have clean, smooth, sexy, silky legs for my man (and even NOT for him...but for me!)
BUT....Ever since I've been banned from having ANYTHING Natural (Term: Salicylates) TOUCH my skin...(literally...I can't even touch herbs or lemon plants) I HATE SHAVING MY DAMN LEGS...

And Do you know what the difference between running on the treadmill at home and going to Water polo practice is??? I'll give you a hint...You have to shave your legs for one of them!

That's's the first Water Polo practice of the season!!! WOOHOOO I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR OVER 8 MONTHS NOW!!

But....My challenge is to all of you out there....CAN ANYONE find a decent Woman's OR EVEN MEN's NON-DISPOSABLE razor that does NOT have an aloe vera strip on it??? EVEN MEN'S have them FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!
I have to use these BIC, disposable razors, that cut me into ground beef and leave me with rashes!! UGH!!! AND THEY ARE SO HARD TO CLEAN OUT!!! GROSSSSS....I know that is too much info...but common...WHY?!?! I want a good razor so I can start loving my legs again!!

Thanks...Keep me posted on the results :):):)

Monday, January 8, 2007


OKAY SO....after the Sh*tty A** news today, I had to find a way to cheer myself up...I'm not a big fan of pitty parties for me...since techincally I already have it better off than most military spouses....ANYWHO....So Guess what happens today....


Wow....I don't know how many of you know....but I have been struggling (pretty silently) about not knowing what I want to do in life. I have been extremely upset LATELY, because I found out my Dad's work won't pay my 12 grand towards tuition if I am married....There goes plans for our Fall wedding....BUT I slowly got over it...left my pity party...CRASHED THE DOORS DOWN ON THE WAY OUT AND APPLIED FOR COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

What for, you may ask?? Well....those of you who know me WELL will realize the FULL POTENTIAL OF THIS...I registered for:

A 2 year diploma at college for ECD (Early Childhood Development)


An added 2 year university degree for Early Childhood Education!!


Baby...I know you don't know this yet...since communication has been slim to none lately with your Ops...but when you get back to the fob...YOU'LL KNOW....I LOVE YOU TREVOR <3>

Down...Down for the count...

Okay...So as I said in my previous post, Trevor and I have dealt with a lot of dropped hopes....Well....Why am I surprised that it happened again?!?!

Guess who logged onto Msn this afternoon?? TREVOR...MY BABY!!
Guess who logged off randomly as well....only half an hour later??? Trevor :(....and who only answered like 5 questions...we talked about pretty much NOTHING...NO CONTENT...Molasses answers...Boo :(

But guess what Trevor tells me on msn?....The rumours he has been hearing is that his troop wont be home until...the 7th, LATEST....oh...wait...hahaha....did I forget to mention that that is the 7th OF MARCH WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE swearing...I'm past upset...I can't be mad at something that's not controlable...but I can feel....and What I feel...
Please Just Shoot ME now...just do it please..
I want to curl up in my warm bed and just cry....just just let me cry....until he comes home...please...

And down go the hopes again....Thanks to The CF...You guys Rock! *rolleyes*

Sunday, January 7, 2007

HALLELUJAH RUMOURS / SURGERY!!! that title is somehow SO AWESOME and so friggin srcastic at the same time....

Without going into too much detail...I will tell you that Trevor and I have ran into times when F**$#&@ Military rumours have killed us...get your hopes up...down...up....down....DDDOOWWWWNNN... t i DOUBLE GGGRRRRRRRRRR!!!! BUT...In this instance....I WANT TO KNOW....Trevor e-mailed me a few days ago mentioning that there are rumours flying around about his due date to be back home in Canada, but that he doesn't want to tell me because he does't want me to get my hopes up (Good man :)) BUT....I WANT TO KNOW....because I have been chatting with some other military wives with Hubbys due back home in Feb...and they are saying they all will be home between Feb 12-16th!!! OMG I WOULD FAINT IF HE WAS HOME THAT EARLY!!!! THAT WOULD MEAN JUST>>>JUST over a month until he is home!!! HOLY HOLY HOLY HOLY HOLY HOLY!!!! But...

AND....AND.....IN ONLY 5 MORE DAYS....I GET THE "Bain of My Exsistence" removed....WOOHOOO.....BYE BYE STUPID TONSILS....GOOD RIDDANCE!!!! might need background info on this one....I have had TONSILLITIS 10 TIMES within the span of ONE year!!! And I had to wait a month to see a specialist...JUST FOR HIM TO SAY NO to putting me on the surgery list....ARSEHOLE!!! UGH....My mom and I almost throttled him!!! say the least....I came down with Tonsillitis about 2 more times within the next two this doctor had to EAT HIS WORDS....and I got put on the list...So....I got bumped up the list just phoned and told I would be getting them out on the 12th of JAN....WOOHOOO.....A WEEK OFF OF WORK....HERE WE COME....NO MORE SICKY SICKY ME!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

I hope I hear from Trevor's been 6 days :(


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

6 Months...Let me count the days...

WOOHOO!!! Trevor and I have officially been together for half a year! LOL! 6 MONTHS And going strong!!!

But...Just for pessimism sake...let me count the days for you...

Trevor and I have been "together" for :

in Months - 6
in Weeks - 26 1/2
in Days - 184

But Trevor and I have only actually been in the same city/country as each other for :

in Months - 2 1/2
in Weeks - 11
in Days - 77

So in fractions of time this is what it turns out to be....Trevor and I have only BEEN Together for :

in Months : 2 1/2 of 6
in Weeks - 11 of 26 1/2
in Days - 77 of 184

So...Wow...Wonderful *rolleyes* HE CALLED LAST NIGHT at 1AM and we talked for like 20 minutes!! WOW....BE STILL MY HEART....I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN!!! I swear, if I hear him say "I Love You" one more time I am going to faint....
(He has a sexy voice too *giddy dance*!!)

BY THE WAY!!! This is how "long" we have left until Trevor comes home...
(Not for sure...but a good guess...)

In Months - 2 (He's been gone 2 3/4)
In Weeks - 8 (He's been gone 11 1/2)
In Days - 57 (He's been gone 82)

WOOT WOOT!!! It Seems Like It's TOMORROW!!! I LOVE YOU BABY!!!<3