Saturday, December 9, 2006

Going Away for a bit again...No News From Trevor...

Hey Y'all *giggle*,

I'm leaving for Calgary tomorrow afternoon. I'll be there until next Monday, Therefore I won't be posting much on here.
I JUST finished making 40 REPORT CARDS for the swimming lessons I took forfrigginEVER...but I love putting stickers on them at the end...that's like the highlight of my day...yes...I am amused by small things...(if it involves making children happy *BIG SMILE*)
Now I need to unpackish my stuff from California, and repackish for a whole other week away from home...ugh...Packing isn't so bad...but the unpacking is the worst....BUT I GET TO DO LAUNDRY...I LOVE LAUNDRY *laugh*...I know...I'm a geek....But I bet Trevor is happy about me liking to do laundry *wink*!
Anywho...I'm postponing my unpackingish/repackingish...I don't want to do it...maybe I'll go do a load of Towels...I hate washing towels...I don't know why...that's kind of a weird fact about me...hmmm....weird...
ANYWHO....I'm acting extremely weird because I have not heard from Trevor in a while, and I'm getting antsy about telling him about my work "issues" hehehehe....But..."No news from the Sandbox is Good News"...
OH OH OH OH OH....TREVOR'S BIG BRO JUST LEFT THIS MORNING TO GO PICK UP HIS FIANCEE IN THE STATES...SHE'S BEEN GONE FOR 3 YEARS DOWN THERE....I AM SO FRIGGIN HAPPY FOR HIM!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!....He's been with her now for the hours...I was thinking about him...I wonder how incredibly AMAZED he for him....he made it through three years...all'm proud of him...WAY TO GO BUD!!!
Plus I get to meet his finacee for the first time during this next week...YAY!!!
Okay...I should get to packing...and Maybe to e-mailg Trevor...AGAIN...Oy....the poor man is going to have like 10 e-mails piled up by the time he has a chance to look at them...tehehehe....

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