Friday, December 8, 2006


So....I'm back....California...or more specifically Marina Del Rey, L.A. was BEAUTIFUL AND SUNNY! (P.S. NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO DRIVE DOWN THERE...I was putting my life in my hands by driving down there...everyone has a ding/scratch/dent in their vechicle *giggle*).
But...I'm officially diagnosed with something called Fibromyaglia...that's not so bad I guess...but the kicker is...I am most positively going to pass it on to any children I
Plus...Today was one of the worst days...The funny thing started of so Fantastic!!!
I have been off of work for the last 2 WEEKS!! One week for healing of my wisdom teeth, and one week for Cali, I just got back to work this morning...I WAS ESCTATIC...DELIGHTED....I ACTUALLY wanted to go to work...I WAS PUMPED...I missed work!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!
The day started off wonderful...I was crazy busy catching up on work so the day FLEW...I think I only thought about Trevor 3 times LOL!
Then, the "OFFICE MANAGER" as she LIKES TO CALL HERSELF *rollseyes* called me abruptly into the conference room in front of all the other co-workers. She shuts the door and life went downhill from there. I can't exlain everything as you would need extensive amounts of background info, but basically that finished and I spoke with another co-worker in Kelowna and I got shut down there I was feeling pretty damn top it off...the loader in my boyfriend's tank called his wife today....she got a 20 minute call...and I got nothing...and I miss him so much...especially after this day. TO end an EXTREMELY LONG story, I went home and bawled...I ended up calling my boss and basically giving her my two weeks notice...unfortunately...she works in Calgary, and I have been scheduled to go down there this Sunday for all of next week. SO now I will be talking with her Tuesday night to determine what I will do. To be honest, I applied at another job today already, as I have never felt so defeated in a work place before. The weird part at our work place is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE as our branch in another province. WHY?!?! Because of ONE SINGLE coworker...who beyond my HUGE AMOUNT of years of social working, I CANNOT COPE WITH...she actually has made me never want to work again...and my boss understand that! WEIRD...
But I applied at a place that could be considered the least guessable. I feel terrible because My boyfriend will have no idea what hit him when he get's my e-mail. He's in the 'Ghan and has missed huge chunks of my life, and it is sssooo diffcult to explain to him in "once-a-week" phone calls. The poor guy must feel completely out of the loop. Especially when he finds out I applied for a job with WestJet, he will have no idea where that came from, and that kind of job opens it's OWN can of worms with him and I....shit....What am I getting into with him around for support...and I'm doing such a lowsy job of suporting him....ugh...I need sleep...

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