Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Little Things...

It's missing the little things that really start to add up...

When you miss,
Him cleaning my glasses for me every morning, even though I never asked him to...

Him making sure I'm in bed and then turning off the lights for me...

Us brushing our teeth together in the mornings...

His kiss on my forehead every morning before leaving for work...

Him opening the car door for me EVERYTIME, even though I try racing him to the door so I can open it myself for once...

Him holding me (or my hand if I need space) until I fall asleep every night...

Him absent-mindedly playing with the ring on my hand while he talks to someone else...

Him carrying my luggage or lap-top to my car for me...

Him writing messages to me in the fogged up mirror after his shower because he knows I'll be taking one after him...

Him helping me make my bed in the morning (even if he doesn't know how to place throw pillows...LOL!)....

Him helping me change the sheets on the bed, and then catching me in the sheets and tickling me until I can't breathe...

Him wiping the tears off my cheeks when I cry...

Him trying to help me put my pants on, but pulling them up WAY too high each time *giggle*...

Him letting my dog out to go, instead of me...

Him hugging me outside the back door every day when he comes home from work and always telling me how good I look or how nice I smell...

It's those tiny things that seem so daily and that I took for granted, until I realized that they really mean so much...and add up so quickly when he's gone. Now I know...I will never take those sorts of things for granted...and I know I will never stop loving this man...

Come home safe baby...I Hope I hear from you soon...Merry Christmas..<3

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